Grant projects

Three grant projects have been implemented at the Department of Journalism.

  1. “Learn and Discern: Info-Media Literacy.”

Implemented by the International Research and Exchanges Council (IREX) with the support of the US and UK Embassies from

Project duration: October 2020 – March 2021.

Results: Journalism Department faculty conducted 23 media literacy trainings and involved over 500 participants

  1. “Soil preparation for reconstruction – soil decontamination in Ukraine, eco-entrepreneurship and environmental journalism”.

The project is part of the UK-Ukraine Twinning Initiative.

Project duration: May,25 -August, 31 2023

Results: a working visit of teaching staff to the University of East Anglia in Norwich, workshop on Russian propaganda for English specialists and a visit to the BBC Norfolk office; the purchase of a video camera for the TV and radio studio.

  1. ” RAI – Stefanyk-TV: strengthening the capacity to produce television video materials about the challenges of war.”

The grant is implemented within the framework of the project “Innovative Approaches to Scientific and Journalistic Practice”, with financial support from the Transformational Cooperation Program of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic

Project duration: September 1, 2024 – March 15, 2025

Results: The project is aimed at creating conditions for students to produce high-quality and full-fledged television video materials on socially significant topics related to the challenges of war. The collaboration with the RAI television and radio company is designed for master classes from media professionals that will improve students’ skills in creating videos from pre-production to post-production.